
I really enjoyed reading your blog entry! I also did direct instruction and felt that you laid it out in very simple terms that clearly highlight the steps of the approach. While reading your blog, I thought a lot about the association with direct instruction to “old school” teaching and therefore, behaviorist theory. In one of the articles I read, correction procedures for incorrect responses was a step included in the direct instructional method (Flores & Ganz, 2009). Do you think that direct instruction is linked to behaviorist theory? 

I also agree that I do not benefit too much from being talked to, and that I do not think direct instruction is the best approach. However, I think it is apparent in most lessons and is a beneficial tool for teachers to use. As shown in the video you provided, mixing instructional methods can be extremely beneficial to students and provide a rich learning opportunity for students. I am very excited to see your Blueprint, thanks for a great post! (also, love your website name 🙂 ) 

Source: Flores M and Ganz J (2009) Effects of direct instruction on the reading comprehension of students with autism and develop- mental disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities 44(1): 39–53.


I think you have a very in depth and detailed description of experiential learning. I love that you provided a video that further explains the topic! I am a big fan of experiential learning because I personally always found that doing something was the most memorable and impactful learning experience. You did an excellent job highlighting the points in our Blueprint where experiential learning is apparent. I love that learning about experiential instruction was exciting for you and that it is something you are looking forward to in the future, I am sure your students will love it! In relation to the topic I researched (direct instruction), I believe a mixture of these two approaches could be extremely beneficial for learning. I think a detailed explanation could benefit students prior to their experiential learning, followed by an opportunity for group reflection. I am wondering your thoughts on this and if you can see the connection between direct instruction and experiential instruction? Or rather, do you think experiential learning should be linked with something more like inquiry? I’d love to know your thoughts!